Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Lately I have been watching a lot of "Sixteen and Pregnant". Genius show. No sarcasm there. I have always been a big proponent of MTV's 'docu' series: "True Life", "Made" (I "Made" my own "Made" once.), "Fat Camp", the triumphant "Return to Fat Camp", etc. On today's 9:30 am episode, a 16 and pregnant Arizona charmer (Aubrey, above) and her husband, while escaping poverty by living with the girl's Mee-Maw, blew the husband's paycheck on a gold scanner.

Like a metal detector, but equipped only to alert the user when GOLD is near. I think this was a really good way for them to spend their money. Think of the practicality. One ounce of gold will make them a thousand dollars or so, therefore, the gold scanner will pay for itself! A hundred fold!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving and the holidays coming up, I'm thankful for MTV's docuseries. Without them, I might have a moment to take a step back and examine my own life with a critical microscope. And nobody should need to do that. Not until they're pregnant, at least.

Not Funny

Recently, two people basically told me "don't quit your day job" in regard to this blog. RUDE! Even if I had a day job to quit, I think this blog is just fine. Humph. You haterz know who you are.

With that said, I have nothing to report. Bye.